“Can they implement a technical strategy that supports our business goals and objectives?”
Before EDS (Electronic Data Systems) was acquired by Chrysler in 1984, it once provided whole-company, and for some non-US governments: whole Country IT support. That was the era when IT-Organizations dictated what kind and how many compute services a company was going to receive. Modern IT Ops has become more collaborative in identifying the best-fit services; and now CIOs focus on fulfilling the strategic needs of their company, and ensure a return on the IT investment;
So do smart Managed Services Providers (MSPs)
So what happens if your IT work is outsourced to an MSP? There are many good things but strategy can be the very best.
First ask yourself: will the MSP work closely with you to receive and understand the strategic plans of the company; can they articulate and execute a plan to deliver services that support that strategy; are they an established company with experience in IT-Ops? Most MSP’s are great technical hands, but haven’t had to implement an IT operational plan that supported the business strategy.
ProxyIT helps IT groups, by providing structural and procedural frameworks that align their services with the company’s goals. If you don’t run your own IT department, or don’t have a CIO, consider a contract-CIO, to manage strategy and direct the MSP(s) on execution. If you don’t know where to start: ProxyIT will tell you if your strategy needs are beyond our scope, and will help you get the right support.
We frequently partner with “The Office of the CIO” (Dean Lane is the Founder at www.oocio.com .) Working together, ProxyIT and Office of the CIO, provide our clients strategic, and tactical, IT support plans. Together we’ve helped companies get more value from IT-Ops, sometimes help them to down size IT- Ops, or have helped them to re-set and restart whole organizations. We’ve also defined, setup, recruited teams, and handed over fully established IT departments created and specifically tuned for the company’s needs.
Ten years of collaboration on strategic support for businesses has given us keen insights into transforming IT-Ops into a “value-center”.
Call me to have a conversation on how we can improve your business from the IT strategy.
John Bosch
CEO, ProxyIT Inc.